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“This class got me through 2020!” (Said more than once!)

“This has been amazing. Every week. I thought I was headed for hip surgery, and I’m not thinking that any more.”

“I’ll be so clunky that I make myself laugh, and then there is a release, and I reset, and the movement becomes smooth and easier. I stumble through and get to a whole different positive place.”

“I felt adjusting — like self-adjusting. I utilize my torso totally different and I use totally different neuropathy to move my shoulder that feels so much better.”

You are an information-driven-bio-system of lived experiences. You have a unique DNA, history and response to injury and injury-recovery. This is the only virtual program that understands healing is an emerging process that can be done in community while honoring the individual’s needs. Melissa is with you every step of the way as you move at your own pace.

This program offers you a whole body-brain approach  to transform soreness, stiffness, stress or chronic pain into a new level of ease, choice and connection to your body. When you leverage your innate body intelligence to self-heal, you address  the root of your problem instead of just symptoms. This "rebooting" of your brain's software unlocks lasting improvements in all areas of your life. 

  • Personal instruction with Melissa on novel, easy movement explorations that reorient your brain maps for ease. Weekly, Live Zoom call. Groups limited to 10 students.

  • On-the-go symptom relief Self-Adjustment Tools based on movement lessons.

  • Relaxing and informative Body Scans that build your interception (your ability to feel yourself from the inside) which is the basis of Mindfulness. Mindfulness is indicated in multiple processes of health, growth, restoration and transformation.

  • Videos that expand your understanding of the movement skills taught in the weekly explorations.

  • Current pain neuroscience & research results and education. Not complex, really fascinating and easy to absorb.

  • Self-Reflection explorations taking the group sessions into an every day life personal experience. These help keep you in-tune with your whole-body experience between movement explorations.

  • Multiple resources including videos, scientific articles, theory summaries and more to fill information or curiosity gaps.

  • Entree to private Facebook page where questions are answered and discussion are relevant.

  • 5-Weeks. Saturdays 9-10:30 am PST.

  • Program begins the first Saturday of February, March, May, July, September, November 2021


  • Relief from pain and symptoms.

  • Improved flexibility, movement and co-ordination.

  • Greater ease and comfort in daily activities.

  • Quick recovery from injury and surgery.

  • Better balance.

  • Improved mood and energy levels.

  • Reduced inflammation and improved circulation.

  • Improved breathing.

  • Improved ability to relax and sleep.

  • Reduced muscular tension, stiffness, and soreness.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety.

  • More gentle and kind attitude toward yourself (and others.)



The Orientation teaches you how to make the most of this whole body experiential course. You will be given an Assessment, Body Chart and a Discovery Survey to get you started on your journey.

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Module 1

In this module, you will use slow, safe, novel movements to increase your body awareness. You will begin to sense and feel more clearly where you can reduce effort and increase ease. You will begin to explore the idea of somatic markers - discrete molecular patterns that you can internally sense.

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Module 2

In this module, your increased awareness will begin strengthening your body-brain connection to create new neuropathways for easier, more comfortable movement. Since your brain is an integrated control board for everything you do, as you begin to move better, you will improve how you feel, think and act. 

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Module 3

In this module, you begin to allow each body part to play a separate and sequenced role in spiraling movements which is the ideal organization for functional movements like walking and reaching. When joints can have choice to move independently of neighbors (non-differentiated) or to move in conjunction with neighbors (differentiated), your movement portfolio expands reducing effort and injury.

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Module 4

In this module, you will explore using your bones for aligned skeletal support. This frees chronically contracted muscles  for ideal functional movement and optimal self-healing. This increased sense of physical support translates into a sense of more emotional support. 


Module 5

In this module, you will be practicing the enhanced awareness of your body, movement and emotions to reverse pain and allow more freedom in all areas of your life. Most students experience a new level of choice, sovereignty and acceptance of themselves and others.  



A Physical Therapist with a private practice, Melissa Krikorian has stayed curious and tenacious over the past 30 years tracking down and implementing unique ways to spark our genius brain’s self-healing capacity.  

The Medical Industrial Complex has evolved into a cumbersome maze of often misleading information and unclear, costly alternatives. Using this course’s approach, hundreds of patients and clients move away from dismal diagnosis to health and wellness with an even richer and deeper appreciation for life than before their illness or accident. 

Melissa is a Physical Therapist, Cortical Field Re-Education® Practitioner and Cranial/SacralTherapist. 


Judy Greenman has over 25 years experience in the fields of body awareness and somatic re-education. She offers on-line and live transformational coaching programs to individuals and groups internationally. 

Her unwavering commitment to help people free up chronic pain and restore ease, choice and joy inspired her to create the on-line Body Brain Freedom Academy.

Judy's individual and group transformational coaching programs and trainings draw on her extensive background in body-brain centered modalities including Integrated Awareness®, Cortical Field Re-Education®, Craniosacral Therapy, Conscious Parenting, Transformational Coaching, and The Feldenkrais Method®.